Hajj Umrah

Hajj Umrah - Brightlink Tours & Travels
The greatest wish of every Muslim in their life is to visit the holy cities of Mecca and Madinah at least once in their lifetime to perform the Hajj. A Muslim who wants to perform the Hajj needs to wait for their turn. Umrah is another journey to holy cities for the spiritual experience of praying in Masjidil Haram in Mecca and Masjid Nabawi in Madinah before getting your turn to perform the Hajj. Umrah and Hajj are one of the main activities of worship that require Muslims to go to Mecca and Madina. Umrah can be performed at any time of the year, apart from the five days when Hajj takes place. Hajj takes place in Mecca, in modern day Saudi Arabia, during the holy month of Dhul Hijjah, the 12th month in the Islamic calendar.
The Hajj and Umrah journey is full of challenges. You require the assistance of a travel agent like Brightlink Tours and Travels for a smooth journey to the holy lands. We take up the responsibility of making the best arrangements for our customers. We provide affordable Umrah and Hajj packages to our customers and we ensure that our customers experience a comfortable Hajj and Umrah journey.
We address the issues that pilgrims face during their Hajj and Umrah journey. The most common problems faced by pilgrims are lack of hotel room facilities, low-quality food, and transportation. Brightlink intervenes to eliminate such issues that can cause discomfort to pilgrims. We promise that we provide services worthy of the amount paid by our customers.

Why Brightlink Tours and Travels?

Best Accommodation

Accomodation is a major concern faced by pilgrims. We make sure that we provide top quality accommodation with complete facilities within the specified budget. We give assurance that our customers won't face any inconvenience. We try to provide hotel rooms close to Masjid-Al-Haram in Umrah packages.

Smooth Transportation

We provide good transportation facilities to our pilgrims. Transportation facilities provided by Brightlink helps pilgrims to reduce travel fatigue from continuously moving from one place to another.


We prioritize making the best food arrangements for pilgrims. We include good catering services in our Umrah package.

Brightlink Tours and Travels is a responsible travel agency that adapts with the changing times. We execute the latest solutions to fulfill the needs of our customers at every phase of their Holy journey. We as a Hajj and Umrah organizer provide complete satisfaction to our customers.

TM Square Building, South Bazar, Kannur, PIN :670 002


9207 920 461 | 9207 920 463

Open Hours:

Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm